Sometimes we take it for granted don't we? The miracle of life never ceases to amaze and thrill me. Not being the most scientifically minded person I still have a very hard time wrapping my mind around how babies survive inside the womb and only have that one small cord for nourishment and then amazingly their little bodies can switch to being able to live without it once they are born...just blows me away!
This blog is about Cari and Shane McCullough, a young family at Lincoln Christian that have given me permission to share their personal story of His love, and how even little children's innocent prayers are heard and answered by Him. On October 26th, Cari gave birth to baby #3 - little red-headed Calvin McCullough entered the world! He did, however, come as a surprise since he wasn't due for another four weeks yet!
Brady, the McCullough's oldest son is in Mrs. Colers' 3 Day Kindergarten class and with the exciting news of having a baby brother, shared a prayer request with his classmates and teacher that Calvin needed Jesus to help him grow strong so that baby Calvin would get to come home. Imagine 18 little voices in prayer going up to the Father's throne on behalf of this little life. What a beautiful picture!
Cari sent me a message a few days later that just touched my heart so much I couldn't help but share it with you. Here is part of what she wrote:
"LCS has been such a huge blessing to our family this week!
To be able to send a prayer request to school with my child and know it’s part
of his day to pray for his brother is amazing. And to have a teacher that cares
so much, not only about Brady, but the rest of us too is so so cool!
I went to school
Wednesday for lunch and just about had a break down in Brady's class because
kids were thanking Jesus for healing baby Calvin and continuing to be with him.
They offered up the most tiny, sincere prayers and encouraged me so much.
What an amazing place
to be. I love being reminded so often why we chose this school for Brady and
how blessed we are that he is able to go there. God is so good!"
God's family is one beautiful place to belong! This is just one story about how He designed us for relationship, brings us trials so that we go to Him for our needs, binds us together through sharing our requests and bring Him glory when we rejoice in answered prayer! There are countless stories similar to the McCullough's that God uses to bring us together as families.
Baby Calvin is still currently in the NiCU here in Lincoln, but with all those little voices asking God for healing, we know it won't be long until Calvin is safely home with his family.
Thank you McCullough's for allowing me to share your story and thank you to our families who support, love and encourage one another when life's trials come our way, what a blessing the Lincoln Christian family is.
A proud big brother with his family visiting baby Calvin.
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