Who have you encouraged today?
The heart. Who can know it? How do you see what it contains? Sometimes...it is simply the little things that matter most.
Like the Kindergartner who offers a visiting shadow student his shiny penny and introducing himself as a new friend.
Or the Senior basketball player who takes time after a game (a loss even) to bend down, shake hands with some kids who are in awe of his skills on the court and makes their day!
The teacher who prepares over the weekend for a visiting guest student on Monday and greets the family at the door with a smile, warm words and a hug for the unsure student.
Or the coach who puts his/her arm around a struggling player, breathing words of life and encouragement into their hearts.
The parents who volunteer countless hours of time into lunch duty, grading papers, concession sales, booster club, taxi driving, organizing, fund raising and loving up on all the students along the way.
So often all of these little things go unnoticed, when these are truly what the Lord looks for - evidence of the heart that pours out onto others the gift of encouragement.
Many years ago when we were living in Houston, Texas I heard a speaker talk about "Silver Boxes" and how words and actions can be "gifts" that encourage, edify and strengthen the family. Her talk was based from the book "Silver Boxes by author Florence Littauer. It's an old topic...that never ages and a healthy reminder that our daily words and actions are always noted by our Creator.
It is my prayer that we are training our children to reach out with encouragement to people who are hurting or struggling. Encourage them to make everyday count and to "gift" their friends with little silver boxes of words and actions that give life!
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