Nuts and Bolts

For "fun"...I averaged the past three school years of the number of families who inquired about school,who had tours, and how many shadowing students we had.  I call stats "nuts and bolts" because it's not glamorous or "quick" results oriented, it takes a long time to gather and yet it holds everything together through the years and is necessary information to track.
Inquiries Average: 251 
Tours:  92 
Shadow Students:  67 

I am blessed to have the opportunity to share Lincoln Christian School with a lot of people.  But you are the ones who sent them to me.  That is why it is so important that we continue to communicate the mission and vision of Lincoln Christian School to our friends and to one another. Approximately 70% of the inquiries are from "Word of Mouth" referrals.  I wanted to take a "blog moment" to thank you for your support and referrals.  Without you and your family having a positive experience and sharing it with others, we would not be in the healthy position of 93% retention and increased enrollment that we currently are blessed to be in. 

What do we do for serious shadow students? 
We do require a 24 hour advance notification by the parent of the shadowing student.  For safety and security reasons we ask for contact information, emergency numbers, and a brief health summary.  We find a student to be their "host" for the day and gift them with a theme t-shirt and free lunch. It is very important that these guests ask ahead of time since we may have conflicts with field trips, tests, or other distractions that would not allow our guests to experience a full day of life at school! 

What does a tour entail?
Depending upon what grade the family is inquiring about we either sit around the table in the office to gather information before touring or we simply start walking around the campus so that they can ask questions and see what the facility looks like. When families take a step into the building with the intent of learning more - it's smooth sailing from there!  The students are friendly, the staff are welcoming and if an elementary prospect tours on a Friday morning, it doesn't get ANY BETTER because you can hear little voices in the halls quoting their bible verses.  If the prospective family has secondary students, Friday mornings are still my favorite because of chapel going on.  It is seriously a "beautiful in His sight morning" around Lincoln Christian on Fridays!

If you live in Lincoln or the surrounding area, you are BLESSED to have the option of Christian education so close to where you live. A blessing that I sometimes take for granted.  Take a moment to thank God for His plan for your family today and know that each of you are prayed for, appreciated and loved by the staff and administration at Lincoln Christian.  Thank you for your word of mouth referrals and continued support and love for this ministry.  
