Do you ever have one of those days when all you can say is "Oh my word"....?

Well this time of the year is CRAZY busy, full of new names, new faces, new problems and old business.  Sometimes I really miss being young, energetic and on TOP of things. And...I find myself saying "oh my word", out loud and to myself nearly every day. (Ok, maybe that is a bad habit shining through)

The world of education is always changing, and keeping up is overwhelming at times.  With all the Common Core talk out there, standards being discussed and differences of opinions, sometimes I think it is a miracle that anyone knows WHAT to believe at all.  So the amount of research, reading, responding, discussing and learning about Common Core is at an all time high at the moment.

On a tiny frustrated note, the reenrollment paperwork that was mailed out in February this year had a front AND a back side that are required every single year.  This year about 1 out of every 5 families who returned their paperwork did not turn over page one and sign page two.  This may seem minor, but by the end of March I realized that in this fast paced world we find ourselves living in, parents are too busy to read through information - so we will definitely be revamping that to NOT having a back side.

On the bright side reenrollment is solid, we are at 93% retention as of this moment, but that's just it - until school starts, our numbers move all OVER the place.  People move out, people move in, plans change, and there is simply not a "final" answer when it comes to numbers and plans.  I have learned to roll with the punches and just accept that as an area that is out of my control, but I still follow the trends and numbers like a hawk and it's prey daily.

Shadow students are still flowing in, prospective families are still calling, and God remains faithful. Lincoln Christian School is blessed beyond belief with God's hand of love and protection over it. It absolutely breaks my heart when I get the phone call or visit from the family who is leaving.  I get it. God's plans and ways are not always our plans.  I accept it.  What else can you possibly do? At the end of the day when I log off of my laptop, turn off the lights and walk out of the doors - I can only recommit to Him these families and students that I love.

Time for one more "Oh my word" - and then I will move on - because OH MY WORD we are gearing up for an amazing new school year in 2014-2015!  We are seeing answered prayer, energy, passion, new curriculum, progress and growth surrounding our facilities and once again I stand in awe of how He continually works around us and in spite of us to accomplish His will in this ministry He began at Lincoln Christian School. PRAISE HIS NAME ALONE!

Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; 
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me. 
